
Archive for June 16th, 2009

I just heard another news story about racism in America.  It seems that the amount of racism that has been coming to light in  the Republican party just continues to grow.  I truly thought that this country had come further than this and am so disheartened when I see such garbage, that I begin to despair of racism ever being eradicated from our world.  Then, I realized that the only way to help end this racist hatred, is to make sure that as many people see it as possible, and that those who engage in this horrid, hateful, nasty, unproductive, unnecessary, un-American crap, know that the rest of this country does not approve, and that we do not accept their hatred and so will ostracize them.  In that vein, I am posting a copy of an article by Terry McMoore, about a picture that was sent via email to the wrong list of people.

This incident happened in Tennessee, and the picture was sent by one Sherri Goforth, a legislative aide to State Senator Diane Black (R), who has been employed by the state for 20 years.  The real kicker is that the apology that Goforth issued, didn’t apologize for the picture or it’s racism, but rather that she was sorry because she hit the wrong button and sent it to the wrong list of people.  Makes me wonder how many more offensive emails she has sent out, and whether she is doing it while working and earning wages paid by tax dollars.  What a disgrace. 

The silence from those who were so rabid about David Letterman’s comments concerning Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, is deafening, and the tent that Republicans say is large enough to hold people of all races, continues to shrink.  Soon it will be just large enough for the “good ol’ boys”.  Disgraceful.

The complete article follows, including the picture that she emailed to the “wrong list of people”.



Aide to State Senator sends racist e-mail



By Terry McMoore | June 16, 2009 | Print This Post

Tennessee Democratic legislators and Black Caucus members are outraged over an e-mail about President Barack Obama that was sent by a state employee who works for Republican State Senator Diane Black.

The e-mail from Sherri Goforth, a legislative aide and twenty year employee for the state was sent to other staff who also work for Republican Senators. Goforth claims to have hit the wrong button and sent the email to the wrong list of people according to published reports.

The controversial email showed either a portrait or photo of all 43 U.S. presidents but when you get to the picture of Barack Obama the 44th president there is only a wide set of white eyes in a black box background.


Controversial Picture Sent By Aide Of GOP Lawmaker Controversial Picture Sent By Aide Of GOP Lawmaker 



Senator Diane Black was quoted as saying “I was shocked and I was disappointed.” “It absolutely does not reflect my beliefs or my opinion and I will not tolerate this kind of communication from my office.”

For her actions Sherri Goforth only received a verbal warning and written reprimand placed in her records. Some Tennessee Legislative Democrats as well as Tennessee Democratic Party Chairman Chip Forrester are calling for Goforth to be fired. In a press release the TNDP chairman goes on to say “This e-mail is reprehensible, insults the office of the president and is embarrassing to all Tennesseans regardless of political party,”

Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators Chairman, John Deberry Jr. was quoted as saying “It sort of undermines what we’re trying to do and gives strength to many of the stereotypes that are perceived about us here in the south,”

Many others believe the e-mail has had done serious damage to Tennessee’s image, reputation and will become a blight on the state.





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