
Archive for May 7th, 2009

Well, I am going to try the wordpress blog and see how it goes.  I am hoping that it will be a pleasant experience for me and for those who choose to read what I write.  My opinions tend to be strong, but  are not unchangeable, when I realize that there is a better way. 

I voted for President Obama, and I still feel that he is the best hope for this country.  I haven’t seen anything to change my opinion thus far, but I am open-minded.  I firmly believe in reading and researching, and although I do not agree with everything that the president has done  to date, I do have to say that for the most part, he is doing what I helped elect him to do. 

So, now I have started.  Let’s see where it goes.  I don’t have the time to spend on here that some do, but I will make a concerted effort to check in several times a day, and keep up.

In closing, may your God bless, and keep, you and yours.

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